
We are available during business hours for all your questions and concerns.

You can reach us by phone in office monday-thursday between 9-14 hrs. 070-3878771

Our consultation hours are more extended, but change over the week.
Please contact our assistant for more information.

To make sure the scheduled appointment does not interfere too much with you work we like to schedule the appointments at the beginning of the workday or right afterwards.
If you are, for whatever reason, unable to make it to your scheduled appointment please notify your midwife within 24 hours. Otherwise we are obligated to bill you for your missed appointment.

Feel free to reach us at our practice at number (070) 387 87 71.
The number of the acting midwife (06 51 17 24 99) will be given to you via answering machine when you have reached us after visiting hours. You can also reach us by filling out the contact-form on our website.