
Prenatal screening

NIPT – Non Invasive Prenatal Testing        
As of April 1st 2014 pregnant women can opt for the NIPT, the Non Invasive Prenatal Test. This test takes the mother's blood and tests it for foetal chromosomes (DNA). These foetal chromosomes are run through a chromosome screening, specifically for Down,-Patau,- and Edwards Syndrome. The test is part of a scientific study, which means that we need your signed consent and has an own contribution payment of 175 euro's. Please read more at

Anomaly scan
When you are twenty weeks pregnant you are entitled to an Anomaly Scan on a regular basis to watch the development of your child's organs. This screening is a reasonably reliable tool when screening for possible physical defects. This ultrasound also checks the child's growth, the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid. Even though this screening allows the midwife to see a lot, this ultrasound screening does not guarantee a healthy child as some afflictions are undetectable by ultrasound. Even when an affliction or defect has been detected through ultrasound, the severity will only be known once the child is born. The screening takes up about 30 minutes at the Haagse Hof Echocentrum . You are insured for this screening. Whenever medically necessary or because of a high risk pregnancy we will refer you to a gynaecologist for a more advanced ultrasound screening (GUO).

As of september 1st 2021 this anomaly scan is also offered to you at 13 weeks, but via a scientific research program.
There are no extra costs involved, but we do need you to sign a consent form for this.

Prenatal diagnostics

To test for chromosome abnormalities, neural tube defects and metabolic diseases a needle will be penetrating the abdominal wall to gather amniotic fluid from the womb. This test takes place after the 15th week and the results will be known after three weeks. This test has a 100% accuracy. This test does increase the possibility of a miscarriage by 0,3%.  

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) (vlokkentest)
Another way to test for chromosome abnormalities is through a chorionic villus sampling. This test screens the tissue of the placenta. 11 to 14 weeks into the pregnancy you can test the placenta tissue through a cell research to look for chromosome abnormalities. If the test results are inconclusive it will be run again or followed up by an amniocentesis. The results will be known within two weeks. This test can increase the possibility of miscarriage by 0,5%.

If you need further information on this subject matter please visit this website: or